Thursday, April 27, 2006

under the rainbow

rainbows have always cheered me up. whenever i spot one, i can stare at it for minutes to hours (if it doesn't fade away so soon, lah). then i'll believe that my day will at least be happy and worry-free. so when i was waiting for twinnie this morning, i finally saw one.. my very first in almost 3 years. it was beautiful ;D. if only i had a camera. *sigh* and it's even more beautiful to know that so many people who saw it too, during that morning-rush-hour, would've felt the same way i did. *hugs twinnie*

that was, of course, my mood in the morning. because just when i was thinking happy thoughts, i suddenly remembered a distasteful memory about someone i know. and POOF my mood right then and there got blown to pieces <_<. urgh. my whole day is ruined because of this person. i totally felt bitter and snappish, that even my rainbow couldn't save me from wallowing in self pity T_T.

thus things got much worse as my aching head is now almost swelling to explode. tomorrow afternoon's the dreaded 70-290 exam and i've still got loads to cover XP. GOOD LUCK TO TWINNIE & FAZIL!! hwaiting!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

나야 {it's me!}

Bold all the things that apply to you.

been dumped, shoplifted, been in a fist fight, snuck out of parent's house, had feelings for someone who didn't have them back, been arrested, made out with a stranger, gone on a blind date, lied to a friend, had a crush on a teacher/instructor, skipped school, slept with a co-worker, seen someone die, been on a plane, thrown up in a bar, eaten Sushi, been snowboarding, been moshing at a concert, been in an abusive relationship, taken painkillers, love someone right now, laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by, made a snow angel, had a tea party, flown a kite, built a sand castle, had deja vu, danced in the moonlight, hated the way i look, played dress up, jumped into a pile of leaves, gone sledding, cheated while playing a game, been lonely, used a fake ID, watched the sun set, felt an earthquake, touched a snake, been tickled, been robbed, robbed someone, been misunderstood, pet a reindeer/goat, won a contest, been suspended from school, had detention, been in a car accident, eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night, witnessed a crime, been obsessed with post it notes, questioned your heart, squished barefoot through the mud, been lost, been to the opposite side of the country, swam in the ocean, felt like dying, cried yourself to sleep, played cops and robbers, recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers, sung karaoke, paid for a meal with only coins, done something you told yourself you wouldn't,
made prank phone calls, laughed until some kind of beverage came out of
your nose, caught a snowflake on your tongue, kissed in the rain, written a letter to Santa Claus, been kissed under a mistletoe, watched the sun set with someone you care about, blown bubbles, made a bonfire on the beach, crashed a party, have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people, gone rollerskating/blading, had a wish come true, worn pearls,  jumped off a bridge, ate dog food, told a complete stranger you loved them, sang in the shower, have a little black dress, had a dream that you married someone, glued your hand to something, got your toungue stuck to a pole, kissed a fish, worn the opposite sex's clothes, been a cheerleader, sat on a roof top, cut yourself, punched a wall, screamed at the top of your lungs, done a one-handed cartwheel, talked on the phone for more than 6 hours, stayed up all night, didnt take a shower for a week, pick and ate an apple right off the tree, climbed a tree,
had a tree house, are scared to watch scary movies alone, been pushed
into a pool with all your clothes on, been told you're hot by a
complete stranger, broken a bone, been easily amused, caught a fish then ate it, caught a butterfly, laughed so hard you cried, cried so hard you laughed, cheated on a test, forgotten someone's name, driven without a license, love somebody


post it up in you blogs people! hehe

Sunday, April 16, 2006

decan? pecan? huh?

3rd CANCER Decan (July 13-July 22)

The spiritual planet Neptune is the Subruler, which joins forces with the MOON, ruler of CANCER, to accentuate an impressionable & romantic nature. Neptune, as the ruler of Pisces, brings to CANCER-Pisces an element of disguise. Many CANCER-Pisces change their looks so frequently or their style of clothes on a regular basis. Their adaptability to different kinds of people is one of their secrets of success. CANCER-Pisces know how to wait, watch & listen.

Whether at work or at home, CANCER-Pisces usually exerts a powerful force behind the scenes, or as team members. In relationships, they would sooner be alone than enter a dubious or unstable partnership. CANCER-Pisces beginning a relationship will be honest with the other person from the outset, rarely pretending to be something they are not. CANCER-Pisces often need to take part in activities and have an active hand in shaping & forming whatever is going on. The best suited for CANCER-Pisces would be a solid, practical partner, someone who lends structure and emotional stability.

CANCER-Pisces have an open, receptive quality that is permanently endearing.

omg that is so what i see in Dongwan. uuuuu i luv him <33

Saturday, April 15, 2006

fizzle sizzle


{Left pic; c: Vifz@SS} AAAAHHHKKKK! Don't these 6 guys look awesome? TT___TT I almost cried thinking how I absolutely mished them. *sigh* When I saw this pic, it totally made my day. My aching body and throbbing head from last night was gone and a warm fuzzy feeling crept into my heart.. SHINHWA IS COMING BACK! My love never died. My unwavering loyalty over the past year and a half was tried and tested, but you guys still remain etched in my soul (ahk I'm spazzing as if they released their 8th jib ^^;;)

{Right pic; c: Nwar@KK} Phew! Friday's event was a blast. But.. I've decided not to write about the whole party. Why? Coz I hardly noticed what went on during the first half of the party =_=. After the break, things were slighty less busy so I slipped in to watch Jerry's performance and the lucky draw.

Honestly, I never expected Jerry to become THAT popular within those few hours! Ahaha somehow I've become immune to these kids' charms. Even Ryan appeared.. 'normal' to me (fans, don't hit me!). They're good kids.. and well, that would mean I wouldn't be constantly jealous at all those love-stuck girls. haha. ima sucker.

Last but not least, CONGRATS to Kpop Kingdom for the great event and Moon (for winning)! 화이팅!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

hungry siot

urgh. how long should i stay awake? damn the spaghetti's already in the fridge and i'm too lazy to reheat it at this ungodly hour =_=''. i'm supposed to wake up early to print some lists today... but here i am still surfing the Net while listening to a live version of Bogoshipda in my playlist, which is from Kim Bumsoo's 5th album.

if anyone's forgotten, today's the day of our 'TVfXQ Rising Kingdom with LG Mobile' event. it'll be super tiring i tell you, that's why i'm planning to wear sport shoes for easier running errands. you know how i prefer NOT to post after any events right? i suppose i might do one later on, if i'm not too exhausted this afternoon. i hope the party goes on really well!it symbolizes Kpop Kingdom's first bash associating with Korean companies. so good luck to all staff! Hwaiting! Kpop Kingdom Jjang!

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

happiness = ikan geli goreng berlada

yum yum =D

i haven't had this dish ever since i left UKM. and now *wheee* it feels jolly good to lepas gian. ahaha. i told my classmate Liza (who teman-ed us for lunch) that the ikan was happily swimming in my stomach as we walked back to class.

my sister offered to tapau from the school canteen but i was adamant on buying it on my own.
yahuu!! luckily i picked the right kedai. of course, it wasn't up to Kausar's standard, but hey, anything is better than having to cook the squirmy thing yourself.

XDD i swear that fish was drugged man.. because after 1pm i was on a high! considering how bored and sleepy i was before lunch, yeaaah i guess it was. goodness. this whole entry is about ikan keli =___=;;;

Sunday, April 2, 2006

penat >_<

argh my feet hurts like hell!5 jam berdiri siot... huu TT__TT. Kingdom has started promo attack to give out invitations to our upcoming event. yesterday and today i went to One Utama for 'Rising TVfXQ Kingdom with LG Mobile' event/party promo. so far, out Damansara Team baru dapat tarik 17 orang. wargh wargh gile lama aku tak buat keje promo cenggini. pulak tu kena pakai baju merah nih.... ^^

semalam sebab ramai orang dalam team kitorang pegi attack Galaxie Party @ One Utama NewKpopklgtshirttvfxq1vx Block, we got up to 10 confirmations. but hari ni Farah twinnie tak dapek join, jadi aku malas nak kejar orang <_<. today is the last day for that LG Exhibition (yang kitorang menumpang sebagai promoter utk TVfXQ Phone) so lepas ni takleh lah nak jupe mamat comel tu. hehe. oh well. not as if dia berminat in me anyways.

ngantuk ni. tak tau nak tulis apa. sekadar nk update blog yg lama tak di-update.

whilst waiting for XMan and Heroine 6 to download, i'm currently head banging to D'espairsRay. yay! i've really been looking for new bands that live up to my preferences. this group has an amazing combinating styles of Dir en grey and Pierrot (they're under the same company). oh, and one of their debut singles reminds me of Luna Sea's earlier style. *sigh* kembali juga aku akhirnya ke JRock, ek?