Monday, May 19, 2008

Wifely Duties: Unveiling The Secret

Hellish long post. Approach with caution.

I arrived late at Berjaya Times Square yesterday, braving the journey alone since Aish and Jerry would only leave much later. By the time I reached Starbucks it was 3.30pm and I was the last person to retrieve my album.

The MY-Shinhwa representative, Sally, told me not everyone managed to come for the short meet up and was highly annoyed that she has to lug all the unclaimed items back with her. I almost remarked that I went through all that shite during the Kingdom era but stopped before she'd think I was a smartass and because I didn't exactly want to reveal my past.

So I started small talk with her while she was passing over my poster and album (I was trying hard not to squeal) and then we continued on talking when she began handing a few smaller items into my hands. 'Eh?', I thought, 'What the heck is she putting in my hands lar?'

Then I looked down and holy schmolly... They were tiny gifts from Yeonin (they're like the most infamous official fanclub for Dongwan). All the strength in my body at that time was focused on restraining my fangirl alter ego from bursting out and making an ultimate fool of hermyself by dancing around in circles. Pffffft. =_= Ok, so I was exaggerating.

But damn me for being a good actress as I completely plastered on an utterly calm look on my face when all I could think of in my head was: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! STICKERS! OMG! OMG! HANDPHONE SCREEN WIPER! OMG! OMG! OMeffingG!!

Yeah funny how I almost lost my composure over these silly things (as compared to the poster and album wor). It's just that I didn't expect them at all, you know? Hihihi. I'm definitely pitting to preorder the repackaged version with Yeonin. Thank you, Yeonin!



Anyway, this second album of his contains 1 photo and lyrics book with the CD inserted at the back and 1 super cool notebook. Oh but I doubt I'll be using the notebook. It's just going to sit right next to my unblemished KDW Diary. ^_^

I will most probably listen to it after I put up the poster. SQUEEEEEE! *sighs contentedly and stares at the delicious pictures*

PS, I so need to go on a spazzing session with my gals. ;D

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wifely duties

If all goes well, I'll be picking up my Kim Dong Wan second album copy tomorrow afternoon.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Memoirs of a male geisha II

The WOWOW released vids of both summit days were harshly cut up. At least the ones I got off torrent. But so far:
  1. Luna Sea; whom besides X managed to own Ajinomoto Stadium on Day 2. Damn, they were really in their game. Watching "In Silence" (my most favouritest song) live made me want to cry since they rarely play it during concerts.

  2. X Japan and Muteki Band; I skipped all the Drama King sessions, but performance-wise.. I think they (pft, Yoshiki) ought to seriously end the reunion before their hearts legacy burns out. It was awesome when nearing the end, where all the bands except Diru came on stage for a raucous show of "X".

  3. D'espairs Ray; Only "Brilliant" was uploaded?! Mind you, they were brilliant so I hope someone will put up their whole session (if any).

  4. MUCC; Again, only ONE song. But I looooooved "Fuzz" live cos Tatsurou is just so infectious.

  5. Dir en grey; Still downloading. Not looking too forward to them (you know how I feel about the 'new' Diru) since they went absent during Muteki Band performance. Hmm.

  6. Spread Beaver; Yes, now I'm looking forward to something good. Bring on the best of hide's music, baby.

A couple more bands available to download are Versailles, heidi and the Underneath. Dare I ask if
Phantasmagoria and
OBLIVION DUST gets uploaded? I wanna see Takenori-san!

On a more general issue, Hyung's now back from Tokyo (Okaeri!). And guess which ultra famous blonde Jrocker she saw jaywalking at Shibuya wearing-shades-at-night, talking-oh-so-loud and ignoring-all-the-pointings-and-mutterings-and-fan-worshippings?

Holy pffffft. Yep. Yoshiki-sama. *cries* How come I only realise she was there during the festival weekend?!

Friday, May 9, 2008

No secrets between us, please?

Who's that woman who dared to flaunt her tightly-pinched plastic face and act so blisteringly skanky infront of you?

And how dare you fall for someone so cheap like that. Shame on you!

Nuh uh. Couldn't wait. I watched the MV.

So thank goodness I already pre-ordered his album with poster, mind you (haven't I mentioned this before? :x). Don't think I can stop from downloading it before I get my copy.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Memoirs of a male geisha

I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH! xDD Thanks to twinnie for letting me know vids are already up. And thank God I just bought an external HDD Luna Sea @ hide Memorial Summit *rolls over and dies*

The X torrent will be next. Dunno why each group performances are being split apart. My guess would be the easier for fandoms?

X and LS and MUCC (Tats + Miya) and TMR all on one stage, together, will totally pwn my life right now. And then there are all the rest of the summit days with DesRay , Spread Beaver and Diru.. *throws work-stress out the window*

Sunday, May 4, 2008

신화 때문에

Me, twinnie and Mishiewashie met at KL Sentral McD for our much-needed Shinhwa obsession session (haven't done this for a long time, ne?). We unwrapped our newly arrived Shinhwa normal edition parcel with unsuppressed glee.


I really didn't care if anyone stared at us doing the fangirling thing xD

Hey! The mini photobook is from the same photoshoot for the limited special edition one... The novelty (almost) wore us off since we'd already ogled the bigger and extensive photobook to death.

Well, at least the normal edition poster is comparably yummier. And I don't mind ogling at more pictures of my yuhbo. Big nor small. Eheh ;P



I also received my Limited International Special Edition today! Thanks for taking good care of it, girls ^_^

As Mish had to return to Geek Mode, Farah and I then further continued our spazzing at S&M where I bought KimuTaku's "Hero" and MatsuKen's "Sexy Voice and Robo" (Lin's recommendation). *sigh* I really missed our theory exchanges and intense discussions, twinnie! Sankiu <3

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Malaysianised VK?

Note: VK = Visual Kei. A branch in Japanese Rock (abb: JRock) that deals in heavily-adorned makeup and costumes. A most often than not misunderstood genre of music.
"JRock Kingdom"? ( Volume 4..?

Pardon the exaggerated eye-roll for the ridiculously 'original' titling. Eh, but no offense to them lah, since their events were already underway about 4 years ago. Ouu and it's sheer coincidence that a certain club was using the same ingenious branding name style.

Anywaaaay, there'll be lots of local VK bands schmucking performing at Ruums. I may be too old for this sort of thing. Me, in a room full of wannabes dressed up to the hilt and acting way too superior?

I'll think about it, Karat.