Sunday, February 22, 2009


Haven't added any new jrock reviews =__='''

So laaaazy. Eep!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Hero Listens to SoShi!

What the--!!!! I'm dumbstruck!

Why the heck does Go, the infamous and most respected Jrock blogger in the whole wide world who also happens to my hero, likes... SoNyeoShiDae?! Go visit jrocknyc quick to see his latest banner before it changes.

Although everyone already knows that he's into gravure idols and *ehem ehem*, I can only hazily remember if he's ever expressed any love for Morning Musume or other stereotypically talentless-but-kawaii girl groups. I'm thinking he's more into their bodies than their tasteless music.

But knowing that SM's most successful paedophilic entrepreneurship has reached the shores of America (read: New York) is seriously very scary to me lorh. Eeyerr. Ughhhhh~ can't he choose some other group for his daughter to listen to? Wondergirls, for instance? Plus, Go's even mentioned about the Girls' Generation website. Eeeee the horror!

This so goes to show that there are a lot of ahjusshi (trans: pakcik) who really dig those skanky 'angels'. And it doesn't matter what sort of people they are, no man is safe from belly-baring & panty-peeking manufactured idols.

There's as much truth to that with what we fangirls are not safe from - pretty looking boys/men. *sigh*

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Only Stupidity

There are anti-fans. And there are anti-fans. I would've understood why people will actively hate groups. Or people who dislike (yes yes, dislike) a member/some members of a group.

For instance, I used to dislike Minwoo when I started out as a Shinhwa fan. Yet as I began to accept him, I saw his true side and how special he is in Shinhwa's dynamic structure. So I can somehow understand a lil' bit of that anti feeling.

But making a culture of outright hating, bashing and condemning a member of the same group and then having official fanclubs like Tsuyoshi Only and Koichi Only is completely childish.

Why is it necessary to take sides? Can't you just ignore that other person so everyone can happily go on with their -our- lives?

It's not as if KinKi Kids hate each others' guts! They're the most close-knit people I've ever seen aside from Shinhwa oppa deul...

I vowed to ignore fandom logistics because it's basically human nature to be insecure, but this is damn fucking stupid lah. I know I'm still a newbie, but the anger and sadness I feel everytime at issues stupid Only fans bring up to split KinKi Kids tears me up inside. They've been working so well together, they practically breathe each other. If these Only 'fans' call themselves fans, can't they imagine the pain that BOTH Kochan and Tsuyo goes through???

What fucking delusionals, these Only fans. What's the fucking use of going to a KinKi con if they continue to condemn the other half? Fuckers. Baik ko bagi tiket tu kat aku celaka betul!


I thought I could be neutral about this old issue regarding whose-better-in-KK and laugh it all off, but I'm not really that calm and kindly person who can take in stride. Oh, you know me. ;P I don't beat around the bush.

Visual Sensory Overload

Omaigawd somebody please help me finish watching '33pun Tantei'!! There's news saying there'll be an SP out soon *_____* but I'm still stuck at the 4th episode.

I'm so SO sorry Tsuyo-san, but everytime I get to the end of one episode I'll get this niggling kind of urgency to wash away the silliness (of his dorama) by watching a KinKi Kids performance or concert or Domoto Kyodai episode or other Jyaniz vids or practically anything else that won't make me sweatdrop as much. =_____=;;

Maka dengan demikian tak habis la aku menengok ni haa... And yet I keep telling myself that Tsuyo's just being himself here lorh. He's like that one lorh. Aiyoh!

I still need to sift through that 40Gigs treasure samore. At least I already have a starting point: TOKIO! *pats self on back*

Then after that I have Kochan's 'Remote', MatsuKen's 'Robo', Junki's 'Dog & Wolf' and that Korean gangster movie that I borrowed from Zee (3 minggu, tak pulangkan lg).

Werk werk werk. Sigh. *massages own shoulder*

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sleepless Nights

I definitely owe Roy (スゲぇよ! (≧∇≦ ) 本当にありがとう!) his due of chocolates, big time. Thanks to Ah Roy, I now suddenly have 20 Gigabytes of KinKi Kids': shounen ai, complete PVs, mostly complete discography including solo stints, Font de Anniversary concert which I've snailpaced-ly been downloading from CB, random episodes of unsubbed Domoto Kyodai, random performances and even random interviews. Mwaaahahahaha.

There's also another 20 Gigs containing spews and spews of yaoi random SMAP, TOKIO, V6, Arashi, Tackey & Tsubasa, NEWS, Kanjani8, Hey!Say!Jump and KAT-TUN. Notice the order? :P

After robbing his Johnny's Entertainment collection off his HDD, I even snuck out some B'z albums for twinnie. Shhh!

So now I'm spacing out at the list of videos and albums trying to organise an orderly categorisation of what AND WHO I should first watch and listen to. And woah am I failing or whuuut... If only I could take days weeks a month off work to finish all these up.

ZZZ-less sleepovers, anyone?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

No Internet at Home T_T

Modem got struck by lightning last night T___T A lot of KK new appearances to download. Subbed Hey!3 with KAT-TUN is almost coming out too. Sigh. How long will I have to wait lah?

Am at the office btw, stealing time to read LJ. Tsuyo proves yet again why KK's Only fans are idiots. Stop hating them and start feeling the love, baby, feel the love!

Lol at Farah and Mish. Nyeh... I don't think I'm like this because of JE. I jsut rarely show that side of me to everybody else. It's more like I don't normally tune into that spazzy side of me, don't I? This sometimes get triggered by certainpeople: most notably Sugizo, Yara and at times Dongwan.

Oh! Oh! The new heroine for Endless Shock is Sato Megumi (what a shock!) who acted as that bitchy Sakurako in HanaDan. GRRR. She gets to work with Ko-chan and Yaracchi!!

AND WHATTHE.. MOTHER OF ALL SHOCKS! Tohoshinki will be guesting on Domoto Kyodai in March?! WTF?! I just hope to God that those fans of theirs don't suddenly go liking or hating KK.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I Dream of Yaracchi

Honest to goodness, I gotta stop squealing everytime I see him in random JE con clips. This sudden fangirling over Yaracchi even seeped into my dream realm O_o

I was screaming in full capacity (hah! Yara Tomoyuki in Malaysia?) watching him dance. He'd been struggling with his steps and stunts, staggering then failing at backflips. And honestly at that time I didn't pay attention to anyone else or even the person who I was tugging furiously along (I'm betting it's twinnie).

Anyway, he was crying (!!) in the midst of his routines and I shouted out "Gambare!" and "Fighting!" dengan muka temboknye =_=. Everytime I yelled out, his tears would fall harder and in the end he gave me this totally dejected look. Damn man, he looked hot. *Ehem ehem* Thus, he started to leave eventhough the audience too gave encouragements. As he was about to go backstage, I shouted:

"울지마세요~!" ("Don't cry!")

*cue dead silence from the audience*

It was so friggin' embarassing that I crouched down so he wouldn't see me. Maa~ I swear I wanted to die. But what's amazing is that he understood Korean, wiped his tears, smiled then -jengjengjeng- strode back to the front of the stage to dance again.

(=________________=) Nan ya nen? Lame assed dream.

But siiiiigh because he'd pulled himself together for erm... me. Akekekekeke. *KICKS SELF*

Ee to~ Otanjobi omedeto, Yaracchi! :D The day I dreamt of you (Feb 1) just so happens to be your birthday, ne? All the best for Endless SHOCK 2009 butai - woah, fifth season.

You guys should already be nearing the end of rehearsals. So please take good care of yourself and Kochan and Yone and Macchin and yeah, basically everyone in the play ;D