Saturday, April 30, 2005

emancipation..? what's that?

pergh... @_@ Shinhwa Sarang is still down??! and now ShinhwaJJ is on a 2 WEEK REST??!!!!!!! NO.. this sucks.. where am i gonna post my new Dongwan gifs? berapa byk kali aku cuba pun takleh nk display gifs dkt blog ni. tensennye. i can't survive a day without downloading Shinhwa stuff! aaaaaaa TT__________TT~~~~~~~

to add to my misery, my evil-twinizzle Farah just received her new original Shinhwa Winter Story 2004 Concert DVD (worth RM120 and contains cool freebies) yesterday..... life's so unfair >_mansuh-edthe 'military' status in their name. so, they're no longer known as AMB. sedih tak? after all the years of band members' efforts to naikkan nama AMB, all the years Assunta has participated for Merdeka Day parades.. gone macam tu je. ade apa lagi yg boleh dibanggakan dari sekolah ni? cheerleading...? hoh.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

flailing mind, body and soul

i could have watched Mitch Albom's "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" on Hallmark last Sunday evening. but  NoooOOOooOOoo........... my dad had to watch that Man Utd vs Newcastle match. TT___TT

btw.. MU won

Monday, April 11, 2005

Nearly-Close Encounter??

this post was spurred by an almost freaky event which happened just now. ngaaa~ it was like this.

i went to the kitchen at 6:30am for a drink, my sis was up; already in the bathroom getting ready for work,my dad had gone to the mosque, and my brother was sprawled on the living room floor. on my way to my room, i saw a black apparition (lembaga hitam) gliding. o..k... so i sat down and waited for sounds of the thief escaping. and then...

aku nampak ada lembaga putih pulak lalu! sekejap je, tapi cukup untuk takutkan aku!! aaaaaaaa kuatkan semangat lari masuk bilik kakak aku. it couldn't be my dad! dia bawak kereta ke masjid!!!!!! nasib baik kakak aku dh bangun. heh for sure she thinks i'm loony, tetibe pagi2 masuk bilik dia. dalam masa 5 saat bapak aku pulak balik so...

nothing happened, thank god.. NOW i can't sleep at all TT_TT

Sunday, April 10, 2005

It's 4 in the morning girl! y am i still wide awake??~~~

whew.. ice breakin my new blog! hahah should i ditch my old blog at Xanga? i haven't been updating that for months now. >.Xanga, i shall miss you! (clearly, not so much though)

good grief, i still haven't finished my thesis. yet, i could spare time to create stuff for Shinhwa Sarang. eheh.. u know i'm a sucka for anything related to SHINHWA right? what better than to make Winamp skins for charity to all Shinhwa and Kpop fans, ne. my 2 new winskins can be downloaded at Shinhwa Sarang Forum

watched 'Shall We Dance', the Richard Gere + J.Lo movie, last night when my dad suddenly came home from masjid and watch sekali. ^^;; nasib baik cerite ni BERSIH. sbb ada J.Lo, er, takut le kalu.. er.. anyway, it was nice (the movie). Mr Gere is very nimble on his feet and he looks so charming. Reminds me of a *really* old Fred Astaire film.

yes, i have watched Fred Astaire movies. sometimes my friends (mainly my generation of malaysians) should indulge in great classics, it's a good experience. enervates the mind, i like to think of it. oh, at least when people talk about classics, we have fortunately HEARD of it. ....macam cerita2 P. Ramlee, kan bagus kalau kita boleh kenal salah satu hasil karya Allahyarham. sekarang ni bukannye semua orang Melayu kenal filem dulu2. sadly, aku pun camtu jugak.. =P