Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Take care, my dears

To JerRy a.k.a Sarina: this thursday evening she'll be leaving for KB to do her internship at HUSM. 2 months over there.. might not seem like a long time, but me and Aish are surely going to feel the worst pang of loneliness. we'll just have to survive for 90+ days of not going for nightcaps at our regular mapley. eit! buat kerja leklok and jaga diri kat negeri orang. kalau bakal Internet connection ko hampeh, ko bleh mintak aku mail kan apa2 lagu Gackt baru. atau kalau ko mengidam Nando's, kitorang boleh tolong DHL kan :D! take care, ol' buddy. i'll be saving money for the soon to be Penang-KB trip.

To My Love / Husband #2 aka Hyoshin: eh, what happened? he looked like he was going to faint on MusicBank. and he certainly looks skinnier than last month. uuu his eyes are so puffy. 오빠.. don't overdo yourself, please T__T. 2 years of absence doesn't mean that you must accomplish so many things within just these 2 months. you'll burn out! take especially good care of your health, okay?

To My Soulmate / Husband #1 aka Dongwan: i want to thank him for asserting such strong trust in his fans. no, i don't believe the rumours surrounding his acting career crossover. once a Shinhwa member, always a Shinhwa member. ne? some people are just so damn cynical and negative about gasoos acting. 오빠, stay as your own true self and never let anyone break that beautiful bond between you and the other members. friends take care of each other ;) and as such, we are here to take care of you in return.

Friday, March 23, 2007


what a horrible week buwek-ing right there. then on tuesday, i made the smart decision of eating ikan keli berlada. tak sedar perut tak ok lagi tu.. which resulted in my daily 2-3 trips to the 화장실* when experiencing 물똥** Attack(s). uuu T____T i'm so ashamed to be seen so many times on CCTV heading for the toilet.

siiiigh. therefore, my body is lembik like taffy now. but at least today my appetite is back to normal. hurray to Golden Arches' Chicken Foldover!

er, that was totally random. anyways, everyone should watch this week's Music Space to see Hyoshin's awesome rendition of one of Bobby Kim's older hits. i just love how the studio audience (younger ones at InGa & M.Count and matured ladies AND men at Loveletter and KongGan) of all the shows he's been to will go wild/hysterical for him. makes me want to be there and listen to him live so that i can go all taffy-ish for him too! Hyoshin rocks my panties socks off! * 화장실 = toilet
** 물똥 = BRUHAHAHA. copy n paste this to babelfish or google translate.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A search that led me to... KDW

i'm blardy happy that Park Hyoshin's Korean fans have finally sobered and realised that there ARE foreign fans who are badly in need of fanservice. *pats self* lol. as usual, i rely on Naver Search (i HEART 네이버!) for radio and performance clips that can't be found on CB and i was surprised to find out that:

#1. he guest-ed on Jeong Seon-hee's MTV Sunny Side show on the 8th. (both Hyung and Jeong Seon-hee agree that he looks like Kwon Sang Woo ^^;;) anyways... they were talking about how many friends he has in entertainment, and he mentioned Park Yong Ha first and this name second: K-A-N-G  D-O-N-G  W-O-N !! @______@

talk about surprises. i'd sure like to know how they knew each other and how close they are. ROFL. i think i understand now where he gets his 'unique' styling tips from *points to Kang Dong Won's weird clothes*. then as expected, he mentioned Hwanhee and Lyn. another surprise: Gummy. (> >) i do regret that he didn't say Wheesung, however, i know that Wheesung is much closer to Hwanhee than to Hyoshinnie. i wonder if he's still okay with Park Hwayobi since he already changed managements.

#2. there's also this Mar 7th dated Bobby Kim BoRa (split into 3 clips) that's available for viewing on SBS NeTV where he sang Snowflower, Lost and Miwohaja. hihihi Twinnie and Hyung would be sho excited to watch Lost cos he sang it so beautifully. found Mgoon links for Snowflower and Miwohaja but am still hunting for Lost. wait for that one, k?

#3. Mgoon finally led me to a fancam of MC Mong's showcase of their only performance of 'Gido' together. don't know the date for this but must be around the time of Mong's album release. yeee they look quite buddy-buddy with each other. and Mong is close to Dongwan! soooo... *cough cough*

yesh. yesh. my Love-Affair is slowly opening up his personal life now, right? he was really secretive before this. *sigh* his Pursuit for Happiness seriously did him good. maybe he's gotten a girlfriend ;(

Monday, March 12, 2007

In the Heat of the Night

aigoo.. i was so exhausted today. the office felt like the Arctic that i was already shivering by noon. a recent change to the cubicle settlement set me directly under the aircond. AND in direct view of The Kahuna (aka the boss). freak. not even Twinnie was there to borak with me (she starts work today. How was it?).. got a text from Mish about her results (congratulations MishieWashie!). so by 5:30pm, i begged Hyungie to leave for home. haha. she's usually the one excited to go home early but seemed like i beat her to it.

nyahaha actually i DIDN'T go home straight! instead, i had dinner with Kakak at KLCC because Arfan passed us a credit voucher to be used at Dome's. my sister's wanted to drag me there for quite a long time and the offer only lasted till April. the first time i ate at Dome's it was breakfast with Kingdom staff & Dragon. so i thought the meals would be good.. bleargh. i'll just stick to Chilli's and Friday's. even Victoria St. is better off.

after that, takde jalan-jalan sangat pun. even so.. it's only 11pm and i'm already yawning. nak tidur pulak tak selesa. nowadays at night, my room is extremely stuffy and hot so i have no choice but to switch my aircond on (Kipas tak cukup wooh!!). but then in the morning i'd be freezing! sheeesh. hot cold hot cold hot cold.. mana lah badan aku tak jadi dehydrated.

the horrible climate is making my body very weak. more so because it's that
time of the month for me right now. uuuu. the more i drink water, the
more i feel my throat getting sore. er.. ok so it wasn't correct of me
to drink cordial ^^;; i should drink more air kosong or 100Plus.

wuuu~ i'm sorry you have to listen to me whine. anyway, PANAS nya! Huwargh xO mengantuk banget.... just.. let me.. watch... another... Bleach episode.. before I.. sleep pleaasszzzZZZzzzzZZZZzzzzz

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Raise your hands if you're a book-lover!

my sister spent a whopping RM200+ on books last Thursday at the MPH Warehouse Sale. i chided her after paying that amount (thank God for credit cards) but when else will you have the chance to buy a total of 14 books (i can't remember how many we bought) at THAT price? yea, book prices are shit these days.

i really had fun. not many browsers were there at the time we arrived. so we took our time to look at every corner of the place. BOOKS EVERYWHERE, i tell you. *sigh* haven't been to a warehouse sale in a long time. anyways, the array of books were AMAZING. in good condition too! the ones going really cheap were at the back of the warehouse, didn't find anything i like tho. most were Buffy and Angel. a lot of cheap children's and preteens' stuff. not so much of chic-lit was available. i just picked up random books with nice covers.. but still nothing i liked.

after around 1 hour at the back, we tawaf-edto the entrance again. ooh. saw some really famous authors on the way. the bestsellers are up here, and the price-cut for these ain't really big. RM25 for a normally RM34 novel is better than nothing, right? saw the new Shopoholic boo-- AHA! turns out the book i was destined to 'meet' was indeed there.

"Hello, Mdm Hobb. How are you? I'm fine thank you. Btw, you're my hero."

yeaaaah i finally got my paws hands on her final trilogy. whoohoo i'm sho proud of myself aaand also of my sister since she paid for 'em. mwahaha. two books and it totally made my day ^___^. she grabbed a whole lot of other books: Sidney Poitier, Stroud, Tash Aw, Barker, Tintin, stuff for the kids. 3 and a 1/2 hours of bliss. today was the final day, and the price would have been jawdroppingly, MADLY cheaper than before. ah well. i'm happy with what i have already ;D

oh hey, i just read the bad news in yesterday's papers about Hikki (Utada Hikaru, for the uniniated) divorcing her director-husband. 4 years went POOF. she's just released her Flavor Of Life single.. what an irony. another early-marriage gone awry? (she got hitched when she was 19)