Saturday, February 18, 2006

detached{mind,spirit & body}

argh i slept at 3:30 am (ym-ed with sarina like the night before) and woke up at 8. by the time i got to the pasar:

<____< ;; "dik, beli ikan ni, dik"
|||>_____> *tak layan org tanya* (makcik @ kedai regular tegur kakak aku)
>>_____<< "HUWAARGGH peningnya!"

( ==____== ) *eyes still half shut* unghhh. fortunately today's shopping was mild and the load was reasonably lighter than usual, since my sister only brought RM60. therefore, here i am already typing away on my PC when i haven't even had a shower yet. i'm smelly as a fish. yeesh.. i should grab some breakfast now.

i don't even know why i'm online at this hour. there's totally nothing to download right now. like twinnie said, "don't know what to download". lol! my life's so centered on downloading stuff that i'm afraid of how things will turn out when i get a job later on. you know, there's more to life than the Internet. the sheer testament of how long i spend my time surfing the Net lies in those empty Sudoku boxes in the daily. erm, but the real reason i forgot to do Sudoku is because i keep dozing off with my face on top of the newspaper. ON THE COMICS PAGE. ah~ get a grip, girl! i must sleep earlier now.

i received news that the SLG course i'm supposed to go to starting this Monday has been postponed another 2 weeks. is that good news or bad? i'm not sure =_=;;. however, it means that i have 1 more week to goof off XDDD!! unnie, take note ^^.

blablabla.. i'm too syiok busying myself with the SS Tournament. the tournament itself hasn't begun, right now i'm unofficially heading the promotional campaign (isk isk aku nampak GiPang ke weih?). i made a cun banner for our Team Dongwan! wanna check it out? click here.

CAUTION: ima gonna spazz now! i finished watching SS501's Stalker #5. it's the final episode where they caught the purported stalker. geez it was scary. although they were using actors and such, and the show itself isn't entirely TECHNICALLY true (they spiced it up lah).. it was really convinving. b-b-but i'm confused.. the REAL TRUTH about their stalker ni yang mana satu? i need to figure it out. sekejap kata former fangirl, sekejap kata choreographer, sekejap kata mamat yg fail masa audition? entahlah labu.

woah. i didn't realise how long this entry is. it's ironic. when i have important issues to say, i can't put it into words. it's true i'm a '배브러' aka Babbler. *sheeeeeesh*

p/s - i miss Nwar! dh lame kite tak kuar beb!! weekend ni ko balik kn? u want me to upload Kim JoHan 1+1 tak? or you've already gotten it from Yuri?

1 comment:

FarahCK said...

I remember someone scolding me for not sleeping on time.. ;P You sounded more addict than me. LOL. xP

GiPang? *searches back in memory for old-sch terms* Oh! No lah.. You're just being good, try to get in charge of things so it'll get going. Our team hasn't even decided on a name yet!! xP

SS501's Stalker.. I don't know what to believe anymore. Feels cheated. Eek.