Saturday, June 10, 2006

sh**ty angin-cond days

omg i'm so blardy tired for the past 3 days. i've just started practical training at XXX Berhad in Subang Jaya.. and guess which department they stuck me in? Customer Care Centre! that means my job is to call customers and vendors >_<. imagine the shock i had on my first day.. huu bosan bosan. the worst thing is that i'm not allowed to use Internet TT____TT

fortunately, i don't have to do programming (kesian Azam & Petom) or duduk dalam stor (kesian Shiq & Liza) or use Pentium2 machines (kesian Fazil & Daus) or filing (kesian Farah & Eed)... Wish you guys all the best ye? 2 bulan kejap datang dan pergi. lainlah kalau praktikal 5 bulan macam UKM dulu. huhu... esok kite borak habis2an ok!

me? i just wake up, naik bas, keje, naik bas, and then tido depan TV <_<. nyeh.. i always have to make sure i reach the office before 8:30am. because then, i can leave by 5:30pm and before 6 i can already be at home. who would want to miss watching Byunhosadeul lar?

that is... IF aku sempat kejar bas Metro 13. on my 2nd day of work, i went home in a Metro 13A and got home around 8pm >_< tch. lainkali... bila ada Metro 13... tak kira lah ada aircond ke tidak... LOMPAT JE MASUK. *_*;; aircond or angin-cond? toksah nak memilih-milih. huish sungguh membawa kesedaran kepada ku.

*sigh* today's a non-working day for me. but i need to settle work for Kingdom anyway. tonnns of work, i tell you. lalala. hmm what are we eating tomorrow? KFC or Yoshinoya? ooohhh i musn't forget to bring twinnie's kimchi and result.. nyumnyum.. kimchi..... (mengarut dah ni)


Nauwar Khalidi said...

Kesian... dia penat... hee hee...
Flash mob x jadi lah ini hari...

karat said...

oh... macam tu beza bas ada air-cond ngan tak de air-cond. selalu pakai rembat je... hehehe XD

Yoshinoya!! bila balik rumah nun kat bandar kecik ni yang ada pun KFC, McD je la. Kenny Rogers ala2 tak laku je. orang sini bukan jenis makan fast food, dah le mahal. McD sini pun untung bawah RM 20k je tetiap bulan.

FarahCK said...

Kimchi is with me, yay! But my results are not. xP

Anyhow.. WHEEE~!! Had mucho fun today. Wish we can do it everyday. xD Unfortch for Shique, though. >_<;;

Shigoto sucks. YUCK.

Oori neun hwaiting~!!

P/S: Shout out to Nauwar. Oooh, ni berat sebelah ni. Arfah nyer ko komen, aku nyer xde pulak. Chesss..