Friday, September 1, 2006


ok. is it just me.. atau memang minggu ni punye Mini Drama tak tunjuk last week's results? .__. i'm waiting with bated breath over that. er, or was it cut off from the LQ version? sheeesh does this mean i HAVE to dl the HD.. xP because my damn HDD is already maxed out.

i actually had to delete almost all of my Park Hyoshin videos TT____TT. that emptied at least 2Gigs. and i've still got a lot of perfs and shows (with a total of 20Gigs) to burn. *counts on fingers* so far, Suju clips demand around 11 CDs. aigoo xP. when will i be able to buy a new stash of CDRs?

doing all this deleting made me so blur yesterday. oh yeah. and partly due to my STEWPID Internet connection. <_< huuurrr i wanted to go do Kingdom work.. suddenly when i get to go online today, got lah some problems with the domain?!

nyaaaaaaaaaa ottokhae? ottokhae? *sings along with LeeJung*

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