Sunday, March 4, 2007

Raise your hands if you're a book-lover!

my sister spent a whopping RM200+ on books last Thursday at the MPH Warehouse Sale. i chided her after paying that amount (thank God for credit cards) but when else will you have the chance to buy a total of 14 books (i can't remember how many we bought) at THAT price? yea, book prices are shit these days.

i really had fun. not many browsers were there at the time we arrived. so we took our time to look at every corner of the place. BOOKS EVERYWHERE, i tell you. *sigh* haven't been to a warehouse sale in a long time. anyways, the array of books were AMAZING. in good condition too! the ones going really cheap were at the back of the warehouse, didn't find anything i like tho. most were Buffy and Angel. a lot of cheap children's and preteens' stuff. not so much of chic-lit was available. i just picked up random books with nice covers.. but still nothing i liked.

after around 1 hour at the back, we tawaf-edto the entrance again. ooh. saw some really famous authors on the way. the bestsellers are up here, and the price-cut for these ain't really big. RM25 for a normally RM34 novel is better than nothing, right? saw the new Shopoholic boo-- AHA! turns out the book i was destined to 'meet' was indeed there.

"Hello, Mdm Hobb. How are you? I'm fine thank you. Btw, you're my hero."

yeaaaah i finally got my paws hands on her final trilogy. whoohoo i'm sho proud of myself aaand also of my sister since she paid for 'em. mwahaha. two books and it totally made my day ^___^. she grabbed a whole lot of other books: Sidney Poitier, Stroud, Tash Aw, Barker, Tintin, stuff for the kids. 3 and a 1/2 hours of bliss. today was the final day, and the price would have been jawdroppingly, MADLY cheaper than before. ah well. i'm happy with what i have already ;D

oh hey, i just read the bad news in yesterday's papers about Hikki (Utada Hikaru, for the uniniated) divorcing her director-husband. 4 years went POOF. she's just released her Flavor Of Life single.. what an irony. another early-marriage gone awry? (she got hitched when she was 19)


Michele said...

oh oh i forgot!

*raises both hands and legs*


Michele said...

hullo my partner ^_________^

nothing much to comment XD er er.



see you at class tmr >_>

Farah said...

NOT FAIR. I wanted to go too. T_T I should've kirim some books I've been dying to get. *pulls hair*

Anyway.. *imitates Mishy* xP