i bought a lot of Shinhwa last year. i didn't buy their other DVDs, but hurray for me for finally owning 2 Shinhwa albums. kkk. there's also Eve's autographed 7th album. but lo and behold, see that red arrow? five years after my last Jrock album purchase... i actually bought Pierrot's Dictator's Circus. hyung sold it to me due to an initial screw up by yesasia. lol. at least i have a new Jrock CD (so what if it was released in 2006 siiiigh. *twiddles fingers and grins sheepishly*
seen the Levi's Strauss pics? SSH looks so handsome in here siiiigh. i'm seeing a new man, yet at the same time, i'm seeing a much younger version of himself. and simply by watching him, you feel something being evoked from the deep recesses of your soul: it's Happiness. he's just so extremely happy, healthy and confident with himself. and THAT, my dear, is a feeling i haven't seen in him ever before this. the past 5 years he's always looked so tired, and jaded. siiiigh.. i'm so proud of him. *wipes tears*
hyuk.teuk.kyu.shindong got into an accident.
my brain isnt working right now.
teuk has a bleeding forehead though.
but yeah, all conscious. all doing fine. kyu is the most serious condition but he's okay. his parents said he's okay.
and whatever is lung hemorrhage?!
but yeah. as long as they're doing fine; everything is fine.
okay? okay!
yeah. everyhting is fine...
HUH?!! accident?!! aaaaa my dongsaengs~~!! teuk! hyuk! shin! kyu! KYUUUHYUUUN!!!!
*runs off to read news*
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