Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Yield For Moon

Welcome to my nearly last post *puts on fake smile*. Mwahah. I'm fickle, just like that.

The Moon I am relinquishing my finale to is none other than Moon Bloodgood (Hi Ah Moon, she's got your name!), star of the upcoming movies Terminator Salvation and Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li.

YouTube has a collection of a KBS documentary on her. It's KBS weh, you can expect the chockful of boring narrations so just skip to parts with her and her family.

Go here for part 1 and then continue on the others la hor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQQ6OsyJdCY&feature=related

The pretty lass is of mixed Korean and Dutch lineage, a fact I stumbled upon after watching the now defunct TV series Journeyman (showed on TV2).

Could there be a chance that she'd be close acquaintances to either Joon Park's family or them YG boys' families?

1 comment:

moonie said...

i admit i went zzzng when i saw the title :p