Monday, July 27, 2009

July VK Reviews

Oh well, I might as well just go ahead and review DIM. Not expecting any good new release from anybody til September (girugamesh album & D'esp single) so I'll get this done and over with before I forget.

Title: DIM
Band: the GazettE
Verdict: 3.5 stars. Dim, dim, dim. How do I even begin this? You see, DIM is the typical Gazette weighty bludgeons, a few repetitive ballads (I still don't like 'Guren') and ridiculous fillers ('OGRE' wtf?) but all is not lost because in the 2nd half of the album, there are - Why, hello. Surprise, surprise! - 3 treasures lying in wait for my cynical self. First is the sexy nu-metal experimentation called '13STAIRS[-]1', the refreshing change I've so wanted them to try. Second is the beautiful 'Shiroki Yuutsu' that gives out a simple and sweet NIL vibe. Third is 'DIM SCENE', their best song in years: a chilling blend of Luna Sea-esque violin and Diru-ish wicked songwriting. Brilliant, these. I ought to give them 4 stars because they're finally starting to move forward. However, I can't handle their gothic chicness anymore. Right when it's something I approve of, I've become too jaded. But hey this is a good album so if anyone, especially semi-jaded people, who wants to give Ruki and the boys another chance... now's the time.
Go for: 'DIM SCENE', '13STAIRS[-]1', 'Shiroki Yuutsu', 'LEECH'.

I might be reviewing my shiny new purchases from YesAsia next up once they reach Malaysian shore. It'll be a welcome hug for RES and my 2nd review for UROBOROS. ♥

And maybe I'd shamelessly pimp Koichi's Ayakashi just to be biased.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Before liking KinKi Kids, I never appreciated how precious July means to me.

Please don't spend the day apart busying yourselves with solo con preparation .-.

Red (Kochan) + Blue (Tsuyo) = Purple (Tsuyo's favourite colour).

Oh if only Shinhwa members could combine their fave colours to become that dashing and bravest colour of all.

Wish I had the time to commemorate this day with an artwork but I spent last night rewatching Queen of Lunchtime :P

Monday, July 20, 2009

Oh the tingles!

*takes calm deep breaths before typing*

This week may be the bestest week of 2009 yet.

Although I get turned off watching Kochan's old Deep in Your Heart perfs, this particular Shounen Club Premium comeback episode doesn't look too bad. *nods and approves*

He's still too thin even for his standard but this has got to be his most sizzzzling solo performance ever *wipes drool*. Must be because Macchin and Yone are dancin' equally as hot as their sempai (Yara's busy with his butai T_T). Or it could be because of the no-fawning-audience atmosphere.

...Yeaaaa I'm guessing it's the latter too.

The second song is his new single 'Ayakashi', which ain't that bad as I thought when I heard the radio rip.

Wheeeee~ Can't wait for tomorrow. KinKi-san's CD debut anniversary! And also the day after for you-know-what. A sweet week, indeed. ♥

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bloody H***!

Why is the connection so slow right when I'm trying to download DIM? =__=

So in the meantime, I finally read through Sugizo's latest MySpace blog posts from the past month. Apart from him being melancholic after turning 40 (that old geyser kekeke) he mentions quite a lot about being holed up in his studio again. Hopefully a Luna Sea reunion/comeback! Sigh.

And um the X live in Taiwan which is no doubt one of the most (more) ridiculous Yoshiki-made decisions considering he kept cancelling the European and American tours. Gee. What a way to rule the world, Yoshers.

Anyway, Kochan's single is...... mmm typical Kochan? Now if DIM is done I can actually cleanse myself with rabid drumbeats and roaring guitars but apparently I can't. Hurr. Bloody Streamyx.

Guess I'll return to Rentrer Land then. La la la~


Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's July!

Dum dum dum dum!

Count your days, people! I shouldn't have to remind you how special this month is akekekeke.

Woo it slipped my mind to post this yesterday before leaving for home, I didn't have time to wish an extra special greeting for my Sugi-chan:


Stop wearing so much black, moisturise your hair and eat more so that you wouldn't look a day older :D

Work days are booooring this week since Farah got warded for A(H1N1). I miss youuuuu and your Shinhwa spamming and our daily MSN chats. Get well soon ;(

Friday, July 3, 2009

Just So You Know

1. Luna Sea
2. Shinhwa
3. KinKi Kids
4. Sugizo
5. Rentrer en Soi
7. Pierrot
8. abingdon boys school
9. SID
10. V6
11. hide
12. Kagrra,
13. the GazettE
14. Dir en grey
15. Acid Black Cherry
16. Duel Jewel
17. D'espairsRay
18. Inoran
19. Park Hyo Shin
20. Versailles
21. Matenrou Opera
22. 12012
23. Jinkaku Radio
24. X Japan
25. NoGod
26. ExistTrace
27. DangerGang

*Click for bigger art

Love is immeasureable. But can be ranked by importance, yes?

This is roughly my favourites. Together with whom I assume to be in future. Since I realised not many of my friends are 100% sure of who I like and prefer. I've been vague after all, gomen ne.

- #6 and #14 have both excellently matured.
- #9 and #20 are by far the closest to a budding interest.
- I'm expecting #13's DIM to be strong yet nothing new from them has surpassed NIL yet so... I say 'Grow Up!' or get flamed.
- #8, #15 and #17 latest releases are a bit stale but their skills are intact. boleh dimaafkan.
- #24 is here not because of their comeback or Yoshiki, but because they gifted the world with #1 and #14.
- due to my fickleness, the bottom half may change positions or get replaced without notice.
- the top 15 will remain. unless #13 & #15 goes against my expectations. tsk tsk.
- #19 is in the list cos I'm reluctant to let him go. heh.

For some reason I can't explain, I feel ridiculous that I don't have a favourite VK band or band member from this decade. If you ask me what I listen to these days, I'd gladly rattle off a few names but oh please PLEASE don't ask me what I liked 6 months ago coz I won't remember. The truth hurts when you get older. Hahah.

The last fandom I was sucked into was short-lived: Rentrer en Soi disbanded in 2007 then Satsuki, whom has the absolute best vocal I've listened to in YEARS, went and started his awaited solo career -- but it sucked. Really.

So after Rentrer, not one single band has kept my attention for more than a month (ouch, so harsh!). It's hard to hold onto one when I keep comparing everyone to Luna Sea and Rentrer... *slaps self*

More or less how I compare Shinhwa with other Kpop groups. But then Shinhwa IS the best so this is pointless.

Anyway, I no longer bother to collect scans, download lives or concerts which would eventually lead me to target any guy or 'guy' if you prefer that kind.

Besides, these younger Jrockers look TOO typically pretty that I can't differentiate this face from another when instead they should be focusing on real talent, real skills and making real music! They... um... I'll... stop bashing already =__=

ps: Tagging this post is horrendous work *howls* I'll keep it short and sweet.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

June/July VK Reviews

I really need to spend time and think on writing reviews that people can understand :S

DownloadTitle: alansmithee *HOT*
Band: the studs
Verdict: 3.5 stars. Damn. No wonder their vocalist sounded familiar! I used to like his old band Kagerou but I only liked their first album to be precise. Not sure when he started the studs tho' I think this three-man band has been around for a few years. Simple and clear songs, not really all powerful but seems like ballad is more their forte. You definitely definitely need to try out 'Ano Oto'.
Go for: 'Ano Oto', 'tobari', 'grieve', 'Shokuzai no Hitsuji'.

DownloadTitle: Anomie
: Matenrou Opera
: 2.5 stars.After I've calmed down a week after heavy replay, I think they ain't as good as I first thought. The only song that gets me now is the title track. A bit unimpressive when you focus on the details. Sigh.
Go for: 'Anomie', 'Last Game -Anomie edition-'.

Buy?Title: Hikari *HOT*
Band: SID
Verdict: 4.5 stars. Congratulations on finally having their debut major album! Only a few songs are new, but I love the others tracks cos they're basically the best singles they've made. It's great 'on repeat' stuff for new and old fans alike, so I reckon people won't get bored so soon.
Go for: All the tracks mwahah:)

++ Bonus reviews

DownloadTitle: LOST ANGELS
Band: Gackt
Verdict: 4 stars. Glad Gackt hasn't lost his touch after all the sickening albums after 'MARS' and the S.K.I.N hullabaloo (Boo to Yoshiki for giving us false hope!). His latest 3 singles are absurdly brilliant. A definite must-listen is the coupling song 'Suddenly' which is like WOAH.
Go for: 'Suddenly', 'LOST ANGELS'.

DownloadTitle: ALIVE
Band: girugamesh
Verdict: 2 stars. I completely forgot they have a new single which I'd already listened to. Must've been cause I felt like I'd heard the same old thing in the albums before this. I don't want to be overly harsh on them again but their songs aren't individually unique, ya know? It's like they copy-pasted bits and pieces from all their previous songs and gave it two new names. BORING!
Go for: 'Gamble' if you prefer to not let them improve.

Band: the GazettE
Verdict: 3 stars. Frankly I'm tired listening to Uruha and Aoi's half-assed job. WTF happened to all the pent up emotions they exuded in 'NIL'? No more oredi kah?? Ish. Hopefully they'll prove me wrong.