Sunday, May 13, 2007


on sundays, my usual regime would be to wake at 9am (groggily) and drag myself to the kitchen to appease my stomach. i thought since yesterday i had difficulties trying to sleep because of a pounding headache (that blasted large Banana Java), i'd get to wake up much later.

instead: i woke up just now to a soft mewling sound from beside my bed. thinking it was just my imagination, i blinked about a bit before getting up. hok! rupa-rupanya memang Hitler (the neighbour's cat that recently got 'adopted' into our family) berdiri kat sebelah katil aku mengiau. ape kah..? tetibe je.

so i brought her to the kitchen thinking she was hungry. but turns out she JUST had her breakfast


Farah said...

Keke. Cerita pasal kucing yek.. Cute. xD

Good luck weh! ;D <3

Michele said...

awwwww. miao~