Tuesday, January 1, 2008

gaining through losing

In one zodiac (Chinese and Western) reading I did, it said that chances and opportunities lay abundant in 2007 and decisions -life changing decisions- had to be made for a better future. And I'm happy that I took up those challenges! *pats own back*

Well. 2007 has passed. And what a year it was.


The Good
1. Work: Yep. I finally got rid of all my insecurities by getting myself a job.
2. Family: 16ppl in a big loving family. It really grew with the addition of my stepmom with her 3 children (+1 bro-in-law, +1 future-sis-in-law) and my sister's fourth child The Bad
1. Health: Gained so much weight ever since I started work T_T. More stress, more tired and I can see grey hair... >_The Ugly
1. Friendship: (a) Lembu = The Devil Incarnate. The catalyst of all ruined trust.
(b) Lipas = Never trust someone so completely until you're blinded.


Yes, I've gained a lot through losing half of my former life. But I raised myself up from that slum. And I sure as hell won't feel bad for the things I had to do to get to my goals.

Carpe Diem, people. Let's usher in the new year with lots of love and hope.


1 comment:

Michele said...