Title: 空と糸 (Sora to Ito)
Band: MUCC
Verdict: 3 stars. So maybe I had expected too much of another 'Ageha' after a loong wait. This new single is solid especially with Miya's sexy chorus, but it doesn't deliver that same punch. Hey, PV is out! And to top it all off, I'm already heady anticipating their album in March. PFFFT SOMEBODY GIMME MONEYH.
Go for: -
Title: 約束 (Yakusoku) *HOT*
Band: KinKi Kids
Verdict: 4 stars. Such a beautifully sad song. I assume their vocals aren't strong here in order to portray the 'Guy-gives-up-on-love-when-girlfriend-strays'. Hearing it live is even better. Oh yeah, this is so fangirl-bias.
Go for: Truthfully, I could only stomach 'Yakusoku' and 'Loving'. The other two tracks are bleh.
Title: GHOST
Band: Gackt
Verdict: 4 stars. Not baaad. This guy finally ditched all those lame 10 minutes sappy shit and came back with stuff he really should be doing esp. his previous single 'Jesus' (which I haven't listened to yet).
Go for: Both tracks 'GHOST' and 'Blue Lagoon ~shinkai~'.
Title: vesperbell. *AWEFUCKINGSOME*
Band: kei
Verdict: 5 stars. Wha-WHO?? kannivalism member? Hmm can't say I listened to them before, but this kei guy is EXTREMELY talented in a certain Sugizo + Inoran + Jinkaku Radio way! To sum it all up, all three songs are completely sweet, completely dear and completely cool. You have to try it.
Go for: 'vesperbell.', 'pitiful emotional picture.' , '4letter word.' (yes, with the dots)
Title: As
Band: 12012
Verdict: 2 stars. Right. Ignore this song if you've never heard their songs and go try 'Aitai Kara' instead.
Go for: 'flower'.
Title: STRENGTH (anime Soul Eater ED)
Band: abingdon boys school
Verdict: 4.5 stars. The TV rip doesn't do justice. But damn if they can ever make a bad song. :DD
Go for: -