Saturday, December 15, 2007


i'm seriously bored of blogs. don't get me wrong, i do still love 'blogging'. but the notion of conjuring up words has become too tiresome for my current lifestyle (go to work -> come home -> play around on Net for 2 hrs -> sleep). plus, it's not as if i have the patience to maintain a photo-blog. and it's not as if i have the talent to start one. ahaha.

myspace scares the shit out of me with all the weirdos and wannabes.
livejournal is too cult-ish where everyone must speak the same way. and i'd constantly need to catch up on updates. you know i can't spend time on reeaading.
friendster is just... well, just really plain and boring eventho it allows me to update on my own sweet time.

then there's that nagging habit where i always never can concentrate on two things blogs at the same time. so marr fan mah.

maybe i should consider facebook since everyone's hanging out there these days. yet by 'everyone', i bet none of my friends are using it anyway. bleh.

meanwhile, i've always wanted to play around at the Korean cyworld cos of their nifty hompy feature! but i can't remember my damn ID!! pucker. if it's worth any dime, us.cyworld PALES in comparison to the Korean one. argh~~~

i guess this is why i'm so effing loyal to friendster. cos i'm just that: plain and boring. and too wordy for cy. double pucker.

1 comment:

Michele said...

i'm getting lazier as well -_-" i havent felt so busy and sleepless ever. blargh.